Our Friend, Jimmy, from Mishawaka, Indiana participated in our 12 Part Discipleship Training series a few years ago.
Jimmy wrote his Salvation Testimony as part of the Discipleship training. His story was included in Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6. Jimmy became a Carrier of Hope. Which simply means he accepted the challenge to carry 2 Real Life Stories books in hand everywhere he goes, asking the Holy Spirit to help him to place them in the hands of lost people.
Jimmy has kept this commitment for a few years now. So far in 2021, Jimmy with the help of the Holy Spirit has given away well over 2000 Real Life Stories books.
This week, Jimmy had 13 people in a Discipleship Training meeting teaching them everything he has learned!
Congratulations Jimmy!
You have graduated from a being a Disciple, to a Disciple Maker!!
Well done! Good and Faithful servant, enter into the Joy of the Lord.
You have well invested, what I have provided to you! I am releasing more in your direction.
If you have never been discipled, prayerfully consider taking part in the same Discipleship Series that Jimmy used to train. IT'S FREE!!! Here's the link....
Please pray for Jimmy as he disciples more and more people.
Ask God to give him hundreds of sons and daughters to disciple.
Pray for Jimmy to have the finances to do everything God is calling him to do!
From Disciple...
Disciple Maker...
Hey Jim and Carla,
I wanted to let you know the good news. Four cases of Real Life Stories books went out yesterday with attendees of the discipleship training class in South Bend!
One person started writing their testimony to the Glory of God!
I just picked up 10 cases of Inmate, a case of RLS Edition 7, and a case of Spanish Edition 6.
600 of the Inmate to Inmate books are going into the Elkhart Prison System.
Teaching the discipleship training series to others to help them give away books and write their own testimony to share with anyone they meet is such an exciting and rewarding feeling!!!!!!
Praise God for what He and the Holy Spirit are doing through the Real Life Stories books and the obedience of His saints!
Jimmy Carrier of Hope Mishawaka Indiana ________________
Hi Jim and Carla
We have a Casino in the area. Human trafficking and drugs common there. Yesterday Paula and I went to lunch there. We gave out 8 sets of books. We also layed books in the hotel lobby. Please pray these books connect to the right people and hearts are touched and people Saved!
We will go again in the evening to plant more books (Gospel Seed). Donna Mariam, Carrier of Hope Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Please pray for Jimmy, Donna, their cities, their states and the people that have received Real Life Stories books from them.
If You are using Real Life Stories books in your city. Send us a text, a Testimony, we want to hear how God is using you and Real Life Stories books in your city...... plus we want to pray for you and your city. We are a team and want to support each other!!!
Thanks! For your Prayers!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!!