In some communities Golf Carts are the main method of transportation. As a “Carrier of Hope” when you see a Golf Cart insert Hope ( a Real Life Stories Book into the Golf cart)!!
This is a very easy, nonconfrontational way to place Hope into someone’s life!!!
Most Golf Carts have a little open glove box under the dash. Place book here if rain is in the forecast.
We have placed books in Golf Carts and saw people later in the day sitting in the Golf Cart reading the Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Book!!
All outreaches that we tell you about, have first been done by us personally and are proven effective!!
Prayerfully consider ordering some books and doing Golf Cart Outreach in Your City !!!
We send out very encouraging Testimony Updates daily by email and text sharing what people around the country are experiencing as they use Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books to reach the lost in their cities. If you would like to sign up and receive our emails and texts, we promise you, that if you sign up for these Testimony updates, we will NOT give away nor sell your email address to anyone else, nor will be hounding you for financial help in any way.
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