21,096 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books are headed for the Nations!!!!
Pastor Steve and Phil from Forest Preserve Bible Church just picked up 21,096 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books which they will deliver to Eagles Nest Ministries in Butler, Illinois. From there the Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books will be placed in cargo containers and shipped to different countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean Islands.
Please pray for pastor Steve and Phil as they are about the Father's business.
Please pray over all this Gospel Seed.
In these nations the books will be shared and passed from person to person, family to family and house to house. Each of these books will easily be read by 50 or more different people. Let's look at the math, 21, 096 books x 50 people = over 1 million people!!
Praise God when this million people read the Word of God in these Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, His Word will not come back void. It will do what it was sent to do. Lost Souls will be Saved!!!
Our hope is to be able to donate 20,000 copies of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books every May and every November to reach the nation's.
Ask the Father to raise up hundreds or even thousands of people to support this great soul winning outreach.
Our thanks to everyone that has allowed God to use their stories in these books.
Our thanks, to those that have given of their finances to help us to be able to print books.
We send out very encouraging Testimony Updates daily by email and text sharing what people around the country are experiencing as they use Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books to reach the lost in their cities. If you would like to sign up and receive our emails and texts, we promise you, that if you sign up for these Testimony updates, we will NOT give away nor sell your email address to anyone else, nor will be hounding you for financial help in any way.
Yes! I want to receive your encouraging emails. Please send an email to jimbarbarossa7@gmail.com with the words "email please" in the subject line and your name city and state in the body of the email or send a text to 219-762-7589 including your name city and state.
Reaching the Nations!
Nigeria, Africa
Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books are reaching the Nations! .............................
Calvary Greetings Jim and Carla,
I have read your Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books.
They are very good for explaining and expanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ here in my country of Nigeria.
How can I get more Real Life Stories books to help us be more effective at reaching lost souls?
Red Isreal Aka Ibom State, Nigeria, Africa ___________________
Quote "The church exists for nothing else but to draw men unto Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose." C.S.Lewis __________________ Ask God: Father is my lifestyle a waste of time or am I living a life filled with your purpose?
How can I improve? __________________
A Prayer for Today:
Holy Spirit, take my entire life. Use me for your Glory and your will. Help me set aside my own success and earthly desires so that I may see and do your work. __________________
Thanks for praying!!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!!