Michigan - Indiana - Florida - New York - Mississippi
It's Testimony Time Pennsylvania!!!
Thank You to all the "Carriers of Hope" that are sending in Testimonies about how God is at work! We have had a wonderful mix of stories the last 10 days from all parts of the world! Please keep those testimonies coming, especially the pictures. People love seeing the pictures. What you submit to us goes out to 2300 people to encourage them to daily share their faith!
Our friend trucker Gary met with me at the Pilot Station in Burns Harbor, Indiana to pick up 3 cases of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books to take home with him in Erie, Pa.
Gary gives away Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books and Truckers Bibles as he travels the nation.
Testimony Time Michigan!
Another friend, Trucker John met me at the Burns Harbor, Indiana Pilot Truck Stop.
John picked up 6 cases of our Trucker's books, 3 cases of Inmate to Inmate books and 3 cases of Lighthouse Edition 7 books. John distributes the Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books through 30 plus Truck Stops throughout the midwest.
Saints, join us in praying for Truckers Gary and John as they are about sharing the Love of God!
Ask God, to connect other people, to them, that they can teach to use Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, to reach out to lost souls.
Pray for a "Carriers of Hope" Team to be raised up in both their cities.
Pray for a Super Natural, Tangible Anointing of God's Love and Power to be felt by every person that touches and reads a book!
May they literally feel the power of God, go through their hands as they hold a book!
Testimony Time! New York - Mississippi
New York: One Case of 70 mixed Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books pictured above are on the way to Juan, a new "Carrier of Hope" to be used to reach out to lost and hunting people in Corna, N.Y.
Mississippi: 8 cases of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, picture above are on the way to, "Carrier of Hope" Jimmy, to be used to reach out to lost hurting people in Jackson, Mississippi.
Please pray for Juan and Jimmy as they are about the Fathers business in their cities.
Ask God, to connect other people, to them, that they can teach to use Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, to reach out to lost souls.
Pray for a "Carriers of Hope" Team to be raised up in both cities.
Pray for a Super Natural, Tangible Anointing of God's Love and Power to be felt by every person that touches and reads a book!
May they literally feel the power of God, go through their hands as they hold a book! It's Testimony Time Florida!
Everything pictured including Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, Trucker's Bibles and other Gospel literature are going into packages and being mailed, and handed out to people to God's Glory. Mona Auburndale, Florida Trucking Angel's for Christ
It's Testimony Time Indiana!
I was sitting in the car , while Jim went into Walgreens. A lady got out of her car. I rolled my window down, & I said I like the color of your hair. It had some light purple in it. She said thank you. She said it needs a touch up, and it's getting long. I said I wouldn't know that, because I don't know you, I think it looks good. She said I can't wait to get it done, once we get through this pandemic. I said I know we're all feeling the same way. Then I said wait, I have something for you. I got a book and I handed it to her. I said it's autographed for you. I said, it's about storms that people have gone through. And I said , and we are going through one right now! She studied the book a little bit. Then she said, thank you very much, I will just put it in my purse. Ed was in the car with me . So we both prayed for her , that if she didn't know Jesus as her Savior, that she would come to know him. If she had back slidden, that she would return to him. We prayed there would be a strong anointing on the book to minister to her, in Jesus Name Amen!
Carla, Porter, Indiana
Testimony Time Pennsylvania
The case of 70 mixed books pictured are on the way to our newest "Carrier of Hope" Janet to give to lost souls in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
Please pray for Janet, Carla and Mona as they share the Love of God in their cities.
Pray for a "Carriers of Hope" Team to be raised up in each city.
Thanks for praying saints! Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom Difference!