Turbo, Kenya - Can I share Your Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books with my Family and use it for Discipleship?
Hi Jim and Carla, Good afternoon, I hope you've had a blessed Sunday. I happen to be reading the book 'Real Life Stories 6' and its really amazing and quickening to my spirit. I would like to get eBook file of it so that I can share it with my family and friends and also use it for discipleship.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Regards. Joseph Turbo, Kenya
Copies of all our books have been emailed to Joseph for him to share with his family and use for discipleship!!
If You would like FREE electronic copies of all of our Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books to share with your friends and family, just send us an email with “electronic copies” in the subject line.
It's Testimony Time! Porter, Indiana
Are you looking for the hand sanitizer?
I went into Walmart a few days ago. I took two books in with me.
I went in one aisle , and I was surprised that they had some hand sanitizer. So I picked up some. A lady came along and she was looking for something. I said are you looking for the hand sanitizer? She said yes, I showed her where it was at. She was so glad they had some. I then said I have something for you. I showed her a Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book, she was happy to receive it. I said I'm sorry I didn't fill it out, to show you where our stories are at. She said well just take the book and fold back the pages of you and your husbands stories. So I did, and she thanked me. Then another lady came along. She was kind of looking around, I said are you looking for the hand sanitizer? She said yes, I showed her where it was at. She said oh thank you so much.I then said to her I have something for you. And I showed her a Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book . She said, oh thank you I appreciate that. I wish I would've had another book with me. Because the cashier lady was so nice & accommodating. I'm not sure if she would've been allowed to take it, but I definitely would've offered it if I would've had one. I'll have to bring more in with me the next time I go to the store. Father God, I pray you minister to those ladies & bring them into a relationship with you, in Jesus Name Amen! Carla, Carrier of Hope Porter, Indiana
Moral of the story:
Always carry more Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books than what you think you need!
Be kind and helpful, be a servant!
Carla's kindness and helpfulness opened up the hearts of the 2 ladies to receive the Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book containing the Gospel Message.
It's Testimony Time Naples, Florida!
Hi Jim and Carla, We have a praise report! I had it in my heart a couple days ago to ask the hotel manager (Jason) where we're staying, at the TownePlace Suites Hotel in Naples, FL about putting a Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book display in their lobby. Norm just happened to strike up a conversation with Jason about a lot of spiritual subjects and he asked about placing a book display. Jason was so interested & positive he didn't hesitate to say yes!
So praise God we have another place here in FL where the gospel message will go out to people! Jason put the display in a great location, on their ATM machine, a perfect place for people to take a book!
Kathleen and Norm Carriers of Hope Grand Rapids, Michigan
Saints let's pray for Norm and Kathleen while they are about the Father's business during their vacation time in Florida.
Let's ask the Father to place a Super Natural anointing on the Book Display, that will be like a Beacon of Light and draw people’s attention to it. May the drawing power of the Holy Spirt be so strong that people would be compelled to grab a book. May a tangible anointing of God's Love and Power be felt by every person that picks up a book.
Testimony Time Canada! Handed out 50 RLS books at Walmart today!
I handed out around 15 books in the parking lot, about 5 more to people standing in line waiting to be let in, 20 to customers inside Walmart; came back out to get 20 more RLS books. As I was handing out my second batch of books, one manager nicely came up to tell me I was not allowed to hand books out. And then another came up to me with the same message. So I went into the middle isles, away from store workers, and gave away the remaining books to people who walked past me. What was amazing was that I did not feel hindered, intimidated, nor persuaded to stop! I was on a mission! A supernatural one! And it was led not by me but by the Holy Spirit in me! I was a little exuberant when I first walked into Walmart, like I had just come back to life! I just felt Holy Spirt charged! Looking back, I was like a happy bee buzzing from one person to the next with RLS books for every person I “landed on”!
On my next trip, I will need to be a bit more candid as I hand the books inside of Walmart, since I had the books under my arm. I am going to make sure I stay away from the front of the store and hand out books to people I see in the isles, away from store managers or store personnel. I actually did give a book to the meat worker. He took the book with gladness and hid it under one of the empty boxes on his trolley. God gets all the glory, and it always is Holy Spirit who does the leading!
Carole Carrier of Hope Brantford, Ontario, Canada
Thanks for praying saints! Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom Difference!