The church taught me how to preach and pastor but failed to train me to reach the lost or equip (disciple) the saints..................
Hi Jim and Carla,
I have started your 12 part discipleship / evangelism training series. I was Regional Training Director, Southwest Region, for Zenith Data Systems for 5 years and this is as well-done as anything I ever got from them.
Also, I spent my entire working career in ministry and I saw as much preparation of the Saints for ministry in the first 40 minutes of session 1 of the discipleship / evangelism training series, as I saw in more than 40 years in the organized church.
I have been through 4 years of college, 3 years of seminary and I have have pastored.
The church taught me how to preach and pastor, but failed at training me to reach the lost or disciple the saints!
I am so pleased to be a part of this path. Thank you very much.
Donald Texas
If you would like to watch the video that Don is talking about above go to this link, scroll down to session 1, As You Go: Love
I was outside of my car lot show room in the parking lot worshiping, sounding the shofar , praying in the spirit and all the sudden I hear a voice say, "Go down the hill!" I obeyed, I left work. I went down the hill. I saw Brian, a homeless man who I haven’t seen in a while. Again I hear a voice, "Talk to Brian!" I started chatting with Brian. He said, Homeless people are being treated very poorly these days. He said, some people really love the homeless lifestyle and want nothing more, but others are struggling to truly try to work and get back on their feet an just need an opportunity.
I could see that Brain was in pain. He shows me the 2nd degree burns on his foot. He said he hasn’t done much for a couple days and the foot has started looking bad. When I saw it, I ran to my car lot showroom grabbed first aid kit and equipment to start disinfecting his leg. I did everything I could to start the healing process to save his leg.
Meanwhile Brian is shocked! He doesn’t get that much attention from people being homeless and living out of his truck.
Sadly, Lives like Brians have become common place here in Portland.
While I was working on Brian's leg, I started preaching the gospel to him. Brian had heard about Jesus before, but this time Brian prayed and he gave his life to Christ! Hallelujah! Brain was curious about my shofar and when I sounded it, he felt healing taking place in his leg.
2 weeks has past and Brian's leg looks so much better. Had God not sent me to Brian, he would have lost his leg to amputation.
I told Brian, that God shows his love through people and now that he has given his life to Christ, it is up to him to continue Jesus work!
Today I saw Brian again, he is completely changed! Brian asked me for more Bibles and Real Life Stories books that he can share with his Homeless friends.
Elijah Carrier of Hope Portland, Oregon
Coach Jim and Carla 219-762-7589
I was convicted........
I taught hundreds to live for God, but......
I failed to teach them how to share Their faith with others.................
Hello Jim and Carla,
I got through a large part of the 1st Discipleship Video and must tell you that God, "Convicted Me" about how I taught 100's well about how to live for God, but I failed in teaching them how to share their experience with others. I Won't do that again! Thank you for that.
We have 400 to 500 people in our church, but we influence 1000's.
I'm going to sit down with my Testimony Brochure in hand and discus this with my Pastor.
Please tell me the format to use to write my story.
God bless and prosper you richly! In Jesus name!
Michael Mississippi
Praise God for the anointing and convicting power He has placed on our Discipleship/Evangelism video training series.
In the above Testimony, Michael said this:
"I won't do that again!"
Michael was saying: God I failed in the past to train people how to tell others about what you had done for them, but no more, I will not fail again, I will make the changes to do it the right way.
Please join us in praying for Michael as he Equips the Saints in his home church and community.
Ask God to give him hundreds of sons and daughters to raise into witnesses for Jesus.
Special Prayer Request................
Please go to this link and watch and pray over the Discipleship Series Session 1 Video that Michael watched above.
Ask God to draw thousands of people to this video.
Watching it Yourself will help you to better know how to pray for us and the Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books vision.
Scroll down the page to Session 1, As You Go: Love