The History of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books Part 3:
Over the next 4 years we worked with 3 local churches, that all said if we would come and teach them, that they would develop and print books for their church members to use to reach the lost.
For a year to year and a half, we spent one or two services with each church every week teaching them how to write and share their testimonies.
At the 1st church we had the whole book type set, cover designed and were ready to print the book, when the church board decided they could not afford to print the book. A year earlier they made an agreement with us. If we came and taught them, they would print a book! We gave them a year of our lives and poured into their people faithfully. In the end they had the money. They just changed their minds and wanted to use it for other things. Such as remolding a kitchen.
The results at the 2nd church were similar to the first church. We faithfully taught them and they backed out.
When it was time to print the book at the 3rd church, the church had no money and God instructed Carla and I to pay for the books.
Of the 3 churches only one was really having a financial problem and in that case we helped out.
At the other 2 churches the books were never printed and many of the members that had written their testimonies felt lied too and were very disappointed!
We have no regrets for the time spent pouring into the saints in these churches, but it is very disappointing that in 2 cases their leadership let us down, them down and God down.
In 26 years of serving the body of Christ, trying to move them to take the gospel into their community, there is nothing that has slowed us down like the Spirit of Mammon!
Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost. That is the one and only mission of the church.