Hear What Pastor Steve says about using Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books:
Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books offer a very clear, thorough presentation of the Gospel message!
I knew as soon as I was saved 40 years ago that it was a responsibility of every Christian to share the Gospel with as many people as possible. Since then I’ve done that with a small measure of success, but mostly on a hit-or-miss basis. I’ve always sought out a way to tell people about Jesus more effectively. About three years ago I found the ministry of Jim and Carla Barbarossa and Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books. It made a lot of sense to me, as I’d been greatly influenced by several books I’d been given over the years. However, quite a few people did not receive the idea well, thinking that I was just throwing away church funds by giving away books. I have a little business background, so I decided to see if my efforts were cost effective. Over the past 28 years that I’ve pastored the church my wife and I founded in northern New Hampshire, I took the number of people we’ve led to the Lord and divided that number into the church’s budget for the same time. Roughly, it has cost the church just over $500 per each person saved. Definitely an investment worth making – many times over! However, then I realized that for that same $500 investment, I can put about 900 books in the hands of individuals, most of whom I would never even have a chance to meet. And we do this every 90 days! Each of those books acts as a personal missionary, sharing 20+ stories of how God loves and wants to help His people, and offering a very clear, thorough presentation of the Gospel message. Currently, we have book displays in ten local businesses, and I just replenish them on an as-needed basis. I’m not sure of the exact numbers, but we must be at or close to the 10,000 book mark in the past three years. I know of no other method of evangelism that I could use to put the Gospel into the hands of that many people. I will continue to distribute Real Life Story books for as long as I am physically able. Pastor Steve Palmer Bethlehem Christian Center Bethlehem, NH