Your Disciipleship Series Moved Me Into Action!!!!
Spring Hill, Florida...
Important News.......
Prayerfully Read .....
Good morning, Jim & Carla!
Every morning I excitedly await your text to see what good work the Lord is accomplishing through you, the Real Life Stories Books and the Holy Spirit.
As I am also in Florida, I feel connected to your travels.
I am so happy to report that I wrote my testimony, I gave away my first book, set up my first book display and I am almost finished going through the discipleship series.
My first Real Life Stories Book Display is set up at Timber Pines Community Library.
Every Wednesday morning at 8am we go about our huge community in prayer by golfcart.
Thank you! For the discipleship series. It is good! It has taken me some time to get through it, but well worth the time! It has inspired me to write my Testimony, place my first book display and start giving out Real Life Stories books. It has moved me into Action! The content is good. The topics are very relevant and challenging!
Donna "New" Carrier of Hope Spring Hill, Florida ______________
Please join us in praying for Donna and the work God has started in Spring Hill.
Ask Jesus, the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers in the Harvest to Donna to be trained as Carriers of Hope to reach lost souls in Spring Hill and surrounding communities.
Pray for Real Life Stories books to make their way into every home in Donna's 2 closest communities.
Pray for Donna to have favor in Spring Hill to place book displays in many businesses.
We hope that Donna's Story Encourages You to want to Take Action to reach Your Community!
Thanks for Praying!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!