Hear What Pastor John Winright says about using Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books:
Hi Jim and Carla, It has been an honor to have met you both a few years back when we hosted your "Reginal Gathering Meetings" in Angola, Indiana at Revelation Chapel and had the opportunity to become a part of this great ministry.
I was humbled when I was asked to share my testimony in Lighthouse Edition 3. Since that time I have handed out hundreds of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books and have had many folks share about how much it meant to them, including many salvations.
I am presently blessed to be displaying these great books of testimonies in the brochure racks at Pigeon Creek Welcome Center in Northern Indiana on interstate 69. We are distributing approximately one box every three weeks and folks are being blessed.
I am also taking copies of "Inmate to Inmate" to the local Steuben County jail periodically where they are being graciously received. It really is a privilege to be a part of this ministry and I am believing many lives are being touched and changed.
God Bless! Pastor John L. Winright Revelation Chapel, Ray, Indiana