I want to share good news. My nieces and nephews are very interested and like reading the testimonies in the Real Life Stories books.
My nephew (Knox) is 8 years old and read a lot of the stories last night at my house.
Today at church Knox accepted Jesus as his savior.
Harvest Seeds were planted in Knox heart last night as he read the Real Life Stories books.
God bless,
Steven Carrier of Hope, Harvard, NE ___________________
A few days ago, we ask you to pray for Steve as he was starting a Real Life Stories Book Display outreach in Nebraska. Because of Steve's willingness to start a book display outreach there were Real Life Stories books at Steve's home for his nieces and nephews to read! Knox Salvation is a direct result of Steve's obedience!
Steve's willingness to reach out to others in his community by starting a Real Life Stories book display outreach set the stage for the Holy Spirit to bring the First Fruit, the First part of the Harvest, the First Salvation from Steve's own Family!!!
Thanks for Praying Saints! This is an answer to your prayers!!
Please join us as we continue to Pray for Steve as he establishes a New Real Life Stories book display outreach in Harvard, Nevada.
A couple of Days ago we had an office supply delivery. I gave the driver a set of our 6 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books. He received them with a giant smile and a big thank you!
It is so easy to place Real Life Stories books in the hands of hurting people!
You should try it!
Get some books give them out to all your family, friends, neighbors, co workers etc etc
One of them could get saved, just like Steve's nephew Knox!
Thanks for praying!!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!!
I was at Meijers gas station, loading water softener salt in my vehicle. A lady pulled up next to me. She said do you need some help, I said no I'm good thank you very much, though I really appreciate that. Then I said but wait, I have something for you. So I got a purple Real Life Stories book out to give to her. I explained the book to her, and said this is a gift for you. She said wow this is awesome, she said I'm a social worker. I said OK well with what you do, would you like some more books to be used where you work at? She said sure, I'll take a few more. So I gave her a variety of books, I ended up giving her about seven books. She was very happy to receive them. I told her if she wanted anymore, she could contact us and we would get some more to her. She said thank you very much. I pray that as she shares those books where she works at, that many peoples lives will be changed, in Jesus Name Amen. Carla, Carrier of Hope, Porter, Indiana.
Thanks for praying!!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!!