To everyone that has sent us Stories and Pictures of your experiences using Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books.
What you have sent us has helped produce the following story:
Hi Coach Jim and Carla, Your steadfast encouragement, and creative methods for getting the gospel message into the hands of the hurting has truly inspired us!
Since answering the call to join the ranks of God's Shofar Sounders over a year ago, the Father continues to expand our tent pegs.
In October of last year He led us to street evangelism in our city and the surrounding cities in our county('s).
In April He placed a strategy involving signs that we call "heart arrows"; succinct messages from scripture that can be fired at the forces of darkness within the time of a traffic light cycle. It has been remarkable! We have been given reports by family and friends that our message has made it to towns at least 50 miles away, and social media.... although we haven't verified this as we've never been on social media.
The latest strategy of using a Sandwich Sign, I borrowed from another brother in Christ, who has taken me to some very busy intersections, where we are close enough to pass books out. See Pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words!!!
I had a few Edition 6 left, but the Marine in me wants to be sure I have my magazines loaded.....I feel a spirit of high expectation regarding what God is about to do here in Eastern North Carolina.
Therefore, Please get me off a case of Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 7 books! Need to be sure I have enough tools!
We thank you and the many Carriers of Hope who have challenged us to go further up the mountain for God's Glory.
Rob & Julie Carriers of Hope Jacksonville, North Carolina
Saints, Pray for Rob and Julie and all the other Carriers of Hope around the World, as God expands their tent pegs and stretches them to accomplish Great Works for His Kingdom.
If you're looking for neighborhood evangelism ideas, ideas for reaching out to the community, a neighborhood evangelism idea, evangelism ideas for small churches, outreach ideas for small groups, community outreach ideas, a community outreach idea, outreach ideas for small groups, evangelism outreach ideas, an evangelism outreach idea, door to door evangelism ideas, a door to door evangelism idea, ways how to evangelize, ways how to evangelize effectively, creative ways to evangelize, practical outreach ideas to use in your Community Outreach, Neighborhood Outreach, Sandwich Signs Outreach, or Church Outreach Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books are just what You are looking for.