Guidelines to Help You to Write Your Story/Testimony for a 3-Fold Flyer or Book. Part 1 - Describe what your life was like before coming to the Lord. Part 2 - Tell how you came to the Lord. Part 3 - Describe what your life is like now. Describe the changes between part 1 and part 3. Brag on God and what He has done for you!
Tell your story in the order that it happened. Do not bounce around from the present to the past. Use your age to help you tell the story. Start sharing your life from say age 3 to 10, then tell some things from age 11 to 20, then 20 to 30, etc.
Do not insert scripture in your story. It is ok to put a favorite verse at the end that pertains to salvation. Just tell your story. Keep it simple. Do not thank God at the end of every sentence. Just tell your story. Do not try to teach in your story. Just tell your story.
Paint a picture with your words!
∙Finish by signing your testimony with your first name. ∙Place your cell phone number and email address at the end of story. Please use a phone and email address that will remain active for many, many years ahead. 90 % of the people that respond to the books call or text. I have prayed several people through suicide) A story with out a phone number serves no purpose! We all need to learn to be available and minister to hurting people! ∙We will also add the church or ministry contact info, please provide it. (Name, address, phone number, text number, email address.) But this does not replace the personal contact info!
Do not worry about a title. We will take care of it.
Do not talk in Christian language. Talk or write in plain simple English. Remember your audience is a lost soul. Your purpose in writing this is to reach lost souls. Do not preach! Do not teach! Do not share your pet doctrines! Simply share what Jesus has done for you and will do for the reader.
Did not push or slam any denominations. Do not drop names of important people or places. Use only first names if you refer to other people in your story.
The length of your written testimony should be around 1000 to 1100 words.
There is $100 charge for the type setting and editing for each 3-fold flyer. For your $100 Kingdom investment, you not only get a file with Your Type Set Story in a 3 Fold Flyer Format, but you also get a mixed case of 72 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books!!!
Along with your testimony, fill out a “Release Form,” and send it back to us .
For those who can do so, please print the Release Form, complete it, scan it, and email it back.
For those who do not have these capabilities, please print the form, complete it, and mail it back. Please do not hand it to me in person, as those attempts never work out!
If you are mailing the form, please send it to the following address:
Jim Barbarossa 815 S. Babcock Rd Porter, IN 46304
If submitting your story for a book, we will need a picture. Here are the guidelines: ∙Take a head to chest picture with a nice big smile! ∙Stand in front of a white, beige, or light blue wall with nothing else in the background. ∙Do not crop or edit the photo. ∙Send it as a full-sized jpeg in high resolution.
There is a commitment or a cost to be in a book. It changes from time to time. Call or email for details. If you have any questions or need any additional help, please ask. Email [email protected]or call 219-762-7589.
Our end goal is to help you get your testimony in a book that you can use in your city to reach lost souls. Until you are in a book, you can use your story in a 3-fold flyer and give it away with a book. See the picture below:
When handing the books out you simply say, “That brightly colored flyer is my story, and my story will be in the next book.”
When handing the books out you simply say, “That brightly colored flyer is my story, and my story will be in the next book.” God Bless You! Jim and Carla Barbarossa Porter Indiana [email protected] 219-762-7589