Yesterday a Lady named Christine, living in California, called Judy in Indiana, whose Testimony is in Lighthouse Edition 3, which was printed and Distributed in 2016, 8 Years ago.
Christine told Judy that she had just read Judy's story in Lighthouse 3 and was ready to repent of her sins and receive Jesus as Savior.
Judy prayed with Christine.
Christine has been Saved.
Christine is Now Born Again!!!!
The Gospel Seed with in the pages of that 8 year old Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 3 Book was read by Christine, it landed in her heart and she called out to Jesus to Save her!!!!
This makes us want to pray even more over the 1.6 Million Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books floating around all over the World, and the people that read them.
Please join us in praying for these books to be Supernaturally passed from person to person, house to house, family to family, going from city to city, state to state and country to country.
Pray for a Tangible Anointing of God's Love and Power to be Felt by Every Person that Picks up a Real Life Stories Book.
Pray for the people reading the Real Life Stories books, to pick up the phone, just like Christine did and call someone to talk to them and pray with them to repent of their sins and receive Jesus as Savior.........
We rejoice in the fact that people were willing to Write their Testimonies and be a part of Lighthouse Edition 3, leading to Christine being Saved!
Our Thanks to All that have Participated and Wrote their Testimonies for All the Real Life Stories Books over the last 24 years.......
Because of Your willingness to allow God to use your story, people like Christine are getting Saved!
We Hope that Hearing about Christine getting Saved, Stirs You up to want to Carry and Give out Real Life Stories Books even more then you have in the past.
If you have used Real Life Stories books in the past, but some how got distracted by the issues of life, stop right now and make a commitment to start carrying a couple books in hand everywhere you go and communicate with the Holy Spirit as to who to give them to...
It may be the Gospel Message in the Real Life Stories Book that "You" give away, that gets the next person Saved.......
Please pray over this text and every person receiving it....
Thanks for praying!
Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom difference!