Carrier of Hope Jimmy has Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book Displays in 5 locations.
2 laundromats, 1 grocery store, 1 truck stop, and 1 gas station/restaurant combo.
From these 5 locations, customers freely pickup and take home with them, 13 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books each day!
Praise God!
Now let's look at the long term math. Keep in mind our God is a God of Multiplication!
In 1 year, Jimmy's 5 book displays give out 4,745!
In 10 years, Jimmy's Book displays will give out 47,450 books.
In 20 years, Jimmy, one mans obedience, by placing and filling book displays will give out 94,900 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books!
In 30 years, Jimmy, one mans obedience, by placing and filling book displays will give out 142,450 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books!
Yesterday Jimmy sent us the following text:
"This is all happening with only 5 displays and me giving some out at work! This is going to get bigger! I am so excited. I want to give away more books now!!"
Now let's look at the math again. What if Jimmy's excitement causes him to find 5 more places to put Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book displays?
Yes! All the above numbers Double!! In 30 years Jimmy will give out 284,900!!!!
What if Jimmy's excitement causes him to find 15 more places to put Real Life Stories Christian Testimony book displays?
In 30 years Jimmy will give out 579,800!!!!
Now think about what could happen if Jimmy takes 12 people under his wings and teaches them to do what he has learned to do.
Yes! Through Jimmy and those he would train , the Gospel message in Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books would be placed into the hands of Millions of lost souls!
We call this: God Multiplication!!!!!
If one man can do this in his city, what can you do in your city??
Saints, please pray for Jimmy!
It's Testimony Time!
In November 2017, we announced the Vision for the 1 Million Book Project!
By January 2018 we had 27 people that all committed $100 a month and 10 years of their time to work together to print and give away 1 Million Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6 Christian Testimony Books.
Yesterday, we ordered 50,000 copies of Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6. This will be our 6th printing. We will have now printed 300,000 copies of Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6 in 3 years. This puts us right on target to hit our 10 year goal of printing and giving away 1 Million copies of Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6 Christian Testimony books!
During this 3 years all 27 people participating in the 1 Million Book Project have been hit very hard by the Devil and Issues of Life.
Our thanks to all that have stayed committed to the 1 Million Book Project.
Together we will print and distribute 1 Million copies of Real Life Stories Lighthouse Edition 6 Christian Testimony books and we will reach many lost souls!
I believe these words, from the bible, do and will apply to the people that have been faithful to this God Project:
"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servants!!"
Thank You Jesus for helping us to be able to do this for Your Kingdom!
Please continue to join more and more people to this vision, so we can print Millions of Real Life Stories Christian Testimony books, every year, reaching Millions of lost souls!
It's Testimony Time Michigan! Hi Jim and Carla,
Just picked up a Mother's Day meal at a local Sports Bar & Restaurant. We ordered and used their curbside pickup. We gave them a tip, along with a storage bag that contained 3 Real Life Stories Christian Testimony Books with our Ministry cards as bookmarks plus an additional $20 dollar bill for the owner. In addition we gave them a package of toilet paper with (9 rolls) and told the young lady about our street Toilet Paper outreach. Please pray for the books to be read by owner and passed on to the restaurant staff, their families, relatives and friends. Pray for salvation for all!
Also, Pray that when they resume with seating on the inside, the owner will remember and allow us to put in a Real Life Stories book display in the restaurant.
Blessings in Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah & Savior, Tom & Jeanne Carrier of Hope Swartz Creek, Michigan
It's Testimony Time Indiana!
Good News! I placed 13 books in the old laundromat, I used to go to, and they have all been taken. Today I put up a new book display with 32 books! Jim Mishawaka, Indiana
Please continue to Pray! Together we are making an Eternal Kingdom Difference!